Winterton Racquetball
Let's Talk Racquetball

Jim Winterton
Hall of Fame Coach Winterton coaches like no other coach out there! In any business, people are measured by their portfolio. Coach W has more national, world, and pro champions than any other coach in racquetball history in his body of work. Why is he so successful?
He teaches athletes how to self-coach. The thinking process to win is much different than hoping to win.
A good example would be “I have to keep my racquet up!” (Process and something a player can control) Instead of “I hope I win this next point!”(Outcome and something a player cannot control)
Using the latest in science and technology, Coach uses the footwork technique of pro athletes in mainstream sports and applies those principles to racquetball. Coach is always changing his approach to match each student’s needs.
No two people are alike so why should every athlete be taught the same?

Our Programs
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come Visit Arizona
Two days of 3 hour sessions or one day of 6 hours
Access to Video Collection
Personal Practice Plan
this is less then $84.00 per hour!
Pro Package
Unlimited video coaching*
Access to Video Collection
After 3 months in Pro Package free In Person coaching if you visit Coach**
Remote Coaching
Remote Coaching only
Access to Video Collection
Unlimited video coaching*
*Coach reserves the right to fast track long videos into 15-20 minutes of analysis
**up to 3 hours per day in person coaching for two days. Sorry these days do not accumulate.
Example: come to Arizona after 6 months and you will receive 6 hours of in-person coaching, not 18 hours.
Winterton Racquetball Pro Kennex Specials!
The most successful racquetball coach in history is a proud member of team Pro Kennex. Check here for deals on sponsorship or specials through the Pro Kennex Website!

Tip of the Day
Help! My Opponent is Trash-Talking Me!
I got a phone call from an athlete I coach. “Coach, my opponent’s talking trash to me and cheating! Every time I play this guy in practice he resorts to cheating and trash talking. Do you have any advice? It threw me completely off my game and I ended arguing instead of playing.” First-this happened in practice. Practice is just that. I think it is great that people want to win at any costs and cheat in practice. Why? That gives you more realistic practice and puts you under more pressure. That pressure is great for tournament play. Did you …
Happy Valentines Day Racquetball Players
In honor of Valentine’s Day-10 tips for racquetball widows and widowers: 1. Yes, your spouse loves racquetball. not more than you, but still …….! 2. Yes, your spouse spends too much time at the gym. Isn’t that better than the bar? 3. Yes, your spouse is a great player and can beat you. Brag about that! 4. Yes, it is Valentine’s Day and your spouse travels to National Doubles every year. Be happy for them! 5. Yes, your spouse acts real tough on the court like they are all that and a bag of chips. It is called confidence, Be …
Halt the Hinder Flop
Avoidable hinder begging can be obnoxious. I have to blame some of this on the pro players who often hold up for the rally hinder. Sometimes it is hard for me to watch due mostly to my old school experiences which often included throwing a half-nelson on your opponent to get them out of the way! But when the amateurs begin holding up it can become laughable at times. Case in point-two pros blasting the ball at mid court and one holds up for a ghost hinder and gets the call. Could be believable-why? They can kill the ball, that’s …
Put Fun in Junior Racquetball
So many of us end up teaching racquetball to newbies just out of courtesy and respect for the game. Others of us actually taught beginners in a more formal setting in club programs. Either way teaching racquetball for beginners can be fun. Here are seven things to consider when working with new players. 1. Stay away from stroke mechanics. I would not think of tinkering with forehand or backhand unless it is necessary to prevent injury. 2. Do teach court positioning and serve. This is the fun part and folks can begin playing immediately! 3. Teach safety such as eye-guards, …
Racquetball, Pan Ams, and Worlds
Above: USA Pan Am Champion Rhonda Rajsich and Coach some years ago. Some explanation for racquetball nation is in order to explain what World Games and Pan Am games mean to racquetball. Most of the racquetball public is familiar with the pro stops, USA Racquetball championships, and IRF tournaments. What the public might not be so familiar with would be the World Games coming up this summer in China and the Pan Am Games which happens every four years. I had the honor of being Head Coach in the first three Pan Ams racquetball was featured. Our team traveled …
Coach Qualification in Racquetball Nation
A few days ago I ran across a post regarding coaching and my name was bantered about by several folks. First, I was flattered by people who recognized my long career of coaching. But the second thing that struck me was this question, “Can a non-player or someone who was not that good as a player be a good coach?’ That is a loaded question with many layers. Here is my take. Can Andy Reid run a pass pattern like Travis Kelce? (USA football Coach and player-look it up) Can Martin Scorsese act like Al Pacino or Robert Dinero? So …
Empathy for Athletes
Coaching 101- Empathy for your athletes! Remember back to when you were first learning the game is important. Leaving your comfort zone is important. I have a theory that in most cases if a coach has not done the work they are giving athletes, they are not going to be effective. A coach thinking they have all the answers with the physical training is a mindset that may not be correct. My advice is for coaches to listen to their athletes and long for the day they disagree with you, not agree with you! That means they are becoming independent. …
Where is Center Court?
The holy grail of court positioning is the receiving line. I see many pros teaching this and the dotted line used to be where all players should go. One of the reasons this worked so well was many players used a side wall extensively. I like at least two feet behind the receiving line as the tip of a “zone”. I want my athletes to use a zone defense to beat most opponents. Why? Why not? Give up the kill shot but do not give up the pass. Which one is easier to execute? Yep! Make them execute the hardest …
The Guilt Trip Player!!
The guilt trip player can be a shock the first time you experience this. The GTP plays on an athlete’s sense of fairness. The GTP knows their opponent wants to be perceived as fair. GTP takes advantage of that. Phrases like “If that is the way you are going to play…” or “I can’t believe you thought that shot was good” or “Are you going to take that call?” are some examples. GTP sets off a chain of thoughts in their opponent’s head. Goes like this…… “Gosh I hope they do not think I cheat.” “Gee whilikers, I thought I …
These camps sell out each year. Other camps have 5-8 people attending while Coach Winterton’s next Elite camp already has 40 signups! His last one-day camp had 14 in attendance! Coach Winterton’s camps experience includes top notch instruction and fun!

Upcoming events and News
Coach Winterton’s Athletes Excel!!
LPRT The Madison Trust Arizona Open Winners: Angelica Barrios, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Women’s Open Grant Williams, St Louis, Mo, Men’s Open Selene Bernal, Hermosillo, Mexico, …
Arizona Open Jan 16-19, 2025
Racquetball Tournament: Arizona OpenDates: Jan 16-19, 2025Location: Tempe, AZ USA – Arizona State University Sun Devil Fitness ComplexDirector: Sean Davis, TJ Bambaugh Entry Deadline: 1/10/2025 9:00 PM CTWebsite Link: Escape the …
Madison Trust Plus RPAA LPRT
January 15th Pro Am Doubles, January 16-18 LPRT Play January 17, 18 and 19 Amateur’s Play
World Team Racquetball
World Team Racquetball Report 2024 Top: Tournament Director, Mike Coulter, and Coach W, Bottom: Mixed doubles GOAT team Team Photo courtesy of Game Changer Sports: …
Athletes in Training!
A few of the top athletes Coach Winterton works with.
Elite Camp 2024
Whew!! 49 junior athletes and 11 coaches and a few chaperones! Then add 12 coaches of local high schools..put them together and we have the Scholastic Elite Camp 2024 version!
The level of play in this camp was considerably higher than last year!
Kane Waselenchuk
Kane Waselenchuk, 13x World Titles, 14x US Open titles, Winningest player in Racquetball history
Michael Norelli
Michael Norelli, Age division player--(like most of us, a normal club racquetball warrior!!)
Frank Taddonio
Frank Taddonio, Masters HOF Inductee, National age division champion
My experience working with Coach Winterton has been and continues to be extremely positive. He consistently identifies the most smallest details that contribute to improving my performance on the court. Coach provides direction and analysis both in person and virtually through videos I’m making progress regardless of schedules and locations.
I highly recommend Coach Winterton if you desire to improve your game and start competing at a higher level.