Racquetball Rally…….End it or Extend it??

Stop being a retriever! Are you a retriever? A good retriever gets to everything and extends rallies only to frustrate their opponent into finally making an error. Unfortunately, just retrieving only takes you so far. To go to the top you have to end the rally, not extend the rally.
You can be younger, stronger, better looking and have nice hair and lose to someone slower and uglier than you. If they kill the ball while you extend rallies they get more chances. The more chances you get, the odds are if you can kill the ball you will win.
Back to the retriever-here are five tips for playing the retriever.

1. Hit low and hard and do “float” your gets(when you get to the ball)

2. Think “hit behind them” when you get to the shot. They will be headed for the open court and have to stop and reverse course.

3. When in doubt, roll it out!

4. Z balls and around the wall balls should be used sparingly.

5. Hit a ceiling ball to their strong (usually forehand) side and then to the weaker (usually backhand) side. This opens the court and makes retrieving harder.

6. Still confused? Shoot the line! Works most of the time!

Employ these six for more victories!

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