OMG!! I cannot hit the front wall! My backhand is ruined! My timing is off–let me try harder! Harder! Let me hit 100 of these–getting worse-my backhand stinks!
The above thought process was being played out in my athlete’s head. The more they analyzed and tried the worse it got.
All players experience this and the veterans of this great game know the cure.
Solution? As they say in the big Apple, Fuhgeda boutit! Got a smoothie–talked a little and then back to the courts to hit drive serves, and forehands. Practice was over but wait–how about hitting 10 backhands, says the ole ball coach.
Athlete begins hitting down the lines perfectly. Paralysis via analysis has passed!
Point is during practice our minds can really trick us. I found when practice was going terrible and I could not hit shots I needed to take a break and come back to it or just call in the dogs, put out the fire, and call it a day. When practicing sometimes there reaches a point when being on the court can be unproductive. Take a break!
Go back the next hour or day and you may be amazed!