You need a road map to reach your destination. Without a map (okay, or gps) you may never get where you are going. Your racquetball game is similar and it should have a destination. Every racquetball camp I give the scheduling lecture. The base for my lecture comes from a book I picked up in the early 70s when I was just starting racquetball. It was about track and field and how this coach worked with different athletes. He divided an athlete into 5 areas.
1. Skill-the ability to execute the movement.
2. Strength-the ability to execute the movement with power.
3. Speed-the ability to execute the movement as fast as possible.
4. Flexibility-the ability to avoid over-use injury and stay supple.
5. Mental-the ability to focus on the process of match play.
I added two more and maybe even three.
6. Nutrition-proper fuel for the body.
7. Rest-self-explanatory.
8. Rhythm of movement-moving in a way that is peculiar to your style and with ease.
If you don’t know how to get where you are going-you may never get there! Find what you need to work on in that group of 8-and go get’em tiger!!