Cliques! I hate racquetball cliques! Back in the day when I was top dog in the club I would play anybody and everybody who was close to A level and above. I encouraged everyone to play anyone. Then I moved to Syracuse, NY and a local club went bankrupt. They all came over to our club but refused to join in our play. They would only play each other. In modern day racquetball I was told of a situation where a bunch of guys belonged to a text group and kicked one guy out. Why? He was beating all of them. Solution; get rid of him! This type of snobbery leads to a lack of growth, ill will, and bad manners.
My wife is playing pickleball now and I see the same thing. I see a couple of local yokels who think their game is all that and a bag of fritos refuse to play anyone outside their little group. I know talent. They are tall, young, and nobody knows enough to hit the ball at them. My reaction to all of the above is “Who do you think your are? Get down off your high horse and join the common folks.”
The greatest player to ever play this game plays open and A players in practice and often two vs one to make it fair.
Here is a note to all “cliquers”. Your game will never get better just playing each other. If you join in a tournament or competition you will get stomped. Why? You are not that good. To get better you must go out there and play anyone and everyone. Now get out there and meet some new people and grow the game!

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