Happy Valentines Day Racquetball Players

In honor of Valentine’s Day-10 tips for racquetball widows and widowers:

1. Yes, your spouse loves racquetball. not more than you, but still …….!

2. Yes, your spouse spends too much time at the gym. Isn’t that better than the bar?

3. Yes, your spouse is a great player and can beat you. Brag about that!

4. Yes, it is Valentine’s Day and your spouse travels to National Doubles every year. Be happy for them!

5. Yes, your spouse acts real tough on the court like they are all that and a bag of chips. It is called confidence, Be happy.

6. Yes that same tough girl, or guy comes home to you and whines about Fill in the blank…back, knees, hips, shoulders, elbow whatever…

7. Yes your spouse comes home very happy when they win in tournaments or practice.

8. Yes, your significant other comes home after a loss in practice or a tournament and………………well, not so happy!

9. Yes, that same person spends $$$$$ entering the tournament, staying in hotels, traveling to and from but aren’t they living a healthy lifestyle?

10. Yes, of course your spouse bought you a gift for Valentines Day–of course! They love you but remember they play racquetball.

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