Want To Win More? Get a Mentor!

I try not to see what my competition in the coaching business are doing. It distracts me more than anything but sometimes it is hard to miss when an opposing coach proudly posts their practice sessions with an athlete. I always check to see how far along the coach is in their knowledge base.
Correct the Flaws!
The first thing that I notice are flaws in the student’s game but no correction of those flaws. Rather, the coach just feeds racquetballs and reinforces incorrect technique. To be fair I remember as a young player/coach, I was never 100% sure I knew everything and I set out to learn from the best but I am amazed at the coaches who start out knowing it all instead of attempting to learn.
Can my competitors coach? Absolutely-all of them! Do they know what they are doing? Well, for the most part, the answer is yes but…..without correcting technique and footwork the ceiling is lower for excellence. An athlete needs an unlimited ceiling where one can continue to help that athlete improve.
Perfect Technique Wins-Yes?
Can an amazing athlete with poor technique win? Yes-of course. Can an amazing athlete with poor technique win for a long time without over-use injuries to elbows, shoulders and knees? 99.9% of the time the answer is no. That is where inexperienced, well-meaning coaches focused totally on outcome, not technique, ultimately can fail their athletes.
Then there is the ability to transfer knowledge to others.
Experience=More Arrows in the Quiver
On the court and in the classroom I learned my craft and learned that I love teaching. I worked with all sorts of different personalities of parents and students. I learned that education of any sort has to be approached differently for each person and their support group. This translates to racquetball as well.
More coaches means more players. I just wish those coaches would learn more but it all takes time and an open mind. Oh, and to my critics who say I do not have an open mind; Show me a better way and I will do it-call me up or contact me and discuss!
There is a shortcut to “finding your way” when you find a good mentor. Find that mentor and go get’em Tiger!
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