Coaching geezer ball demands a few skill sets. Now that I am in the “Golden age” category I can appreciate my fellow warriors and warriorettes who compete in the age divisions.
My first task when coaching senior athletes is to decide what needs changing and what does not. To simply tear down someone’s game and rebuild it demands commitment from the athlete and hard work on the coach’s part. I avoid changing someone as much as possible but if the goals are not compatible with the skillset, change is inevitable for success.
Here are some things I observe watching and coaching the best senior players. Most players fall loosely into one of the below categories:
1. Many players do not work at their game. There are exceptions but for the most part #1s get a good workout, not the first place prize!
2. The second class would be those who practice and play. These players sometimes squeak out victories and are very talented as are the 1s mentioned above. It goes to reason since they practice they would be more consistent.
3. The third class would be those who play, practice, and train off court for excellence. These players are smart, and fit. These players are in the finals and multi-time national champions.
Now admittedly there are some exceptional athletes who can violate the rules above and win. They are rare and in some cases do “playing” lessons so they are constantly on the court.
Now take 1-3 and take it out of senior racquetball and put it into all of racquetball. The same rules apply.
So coaching the senior players is almost like coaching any player. I say almost because these folks have been around the block a few times and not impressed with coaching unless you show them. You had better know your stuff because you will not put one over on this group of players.