This one is as true today as it was when I learned it 53 years ago!

Playing the pressure points-anybody can get on a roll and score a bunch of points, but when it comes to crunch time, only a few excel at pressure points.

First, execute simple serves that you are comfortable with using. I always ask athletes if they feel comfortable executing XYZ serve. If not what serve do they want?

Second, make your opponent shoot from behind you; sounds simple, but too many people take too many chances from deep court in these situations.

Third-you always want your opponent to beat you from their weakest side and area on the court. Usually that is the back left, middle, or right, depending upon the opponent.

Fourth, forget the sidewall as much as possible-hit one-wall shots as a general rule, wide-angles and down the lines.

Fifth, what can you control? Yourself! Slow your clock down-practice these moments in practice! I suggest using some simple mantra….ie “See the ball, hit the ball” or “Bounce, hit”, might be examples of mind-clearing phrases.

Remember it is a game and there is more pressure on your opponent than you.

Why? If you are favored, there is more pressure on your opponent. If you are not favored and they should win, so there is even more pressure on your opponent! (Disclaimer: Sometimes Well, maybe not so much, but that is the way you should be thinking about it!-it’s your mind that counts, not theirs!)


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