If a coach does not have the athletes, they will have a hard time winning. The media and fans judge success as winning. Somebody has to lose; it is competition. I watched an NFL coach meltdown with reporters a few years ago after his team lost their football game. He admitted he did not know how to behave when losing so many games and he hoped he never learned!

What does this have to do with racquetball? I know that my athletes determine how successful I will be coaching, not me. If they do not put in the work, they will not win. I do point out the success of my athletes, all of them, at every opportunity but I really work at not taking credit for their success. If I am successful instead of trolling social media telling folks how great I am others (including my athletes) will advertise for me. My athlete’s work determines their success and of course my work I give them ensures that success.

I often tell the story of Phar Lap the race horse who never lost and the trainer who was convinced he had super secret training techniques that gave his horse the edge. When he had to train another horse, he came home for breakfast sat down, and began crying uncontrollably. When his wife asked him why he was crying he had a simple answer, “It wasn’t me; It was the horse!”

So when coaches get on social media and do the “if your face” posts to competition they would do well to remember they are only coaches.
I will give you this; Great talent with a great coach will result in unbelievable performances but never forget, it is about the horse, not the trainer!

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