The side comments during a pro match I have to get rid of or I cannot concentrate on the match. I also have to stop the commentary–I know the commentators mean well but it does not help me focus on what is happening on the court.
Here are some comments not necessarily by commentators, but on social media.
“Wow-big surprise this player losing.”
Possible reason not explored or thought of. The Worlds are coming in just a few days after the tournament. Traveling from one end of the country to another and then packing up to go to another country might have something to do with an appearance for ranking and rest for one’s body.
“Oh, that reverse pinch I would not approve of if I were her coach”
I am her coach and it was a good shot. I totally approve as my athlete was caught out of position and she improvised. I call that a good move!
“These athletes are pros and none of them can get the first serve in!”
Maybe they want to err on the short side of the serve because they have a good second serve? Ever watch tennis? Same thing happens-many fault first serves because they are pros with a great second serve!
“Athlete X has a mental problem defeating Athlete Y.”
Really? You play athlete Y. Report back to me on how well you do. Maybe you have a mental problem with athlete Y also?
Bottom line is when the best of the best play, it is easy to be a critic. I like the old saying I learned coaching football.
“You are never as good as you think you are when you win and you are never as bad as you think you are when you lose!”
Go get’em Tigers!!
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