Lessons above and beyond! Some time ago I had an exhausting lesson session during the middle of a tournament. Now for those who do not know, I coach from 8am to 8pm at least and sometimes longer when coaching in tournaments. Then I try to sneak in a little time on the court with my monthly folks.
My athletes were ready for the next step and they did not disappoint. From stroke mechanics to serve to footwork to shot selection and positioning we had a great two hour session at night and another one with another student and the next morning I went from 7am to 9am. Four hours of private lessons in the middle of a tournament is not the ideal situation but if you lock in on your kids it accomplished one thing. Both athletes left better at racquetball play than when they arrived.
Here is the kicker-I had never been on the court with any of these kids. I was able to make great strides due to the remote coaching. I am able to coach someone I have never been on the court with due to video breakdown and examples of players executing a move correctly.
Last night I talked to an athlete I had never worked with. What did you hear about me, I asked. Answer: “You work hard to make your athletes better at racquetball and life.” Wow-very humbling and I work to make that true with everyone I work with.
Am I always successful? Mostly yes! Do I always try? Always, Yes, again!

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