How to fight the mental wars in racquetball: Think like the old boy and girl scouts motto–“Be Prepared”!
If you are thrown a curve when least expecting, it could create havoc with your concentration. I have seen almost every dirty trick in the book. From hitting a guy in the face with an overhead to win a seniors title, to walking across a player’s setups, to temper tantrums and turning the air blue; all these things can break your concentration and if you play long enough something will happen that could cause a melt-down if you are not prepared.
Think of what could happen and develop a plan. For example, breaking the rules, you would get a tournament director to interpret the rules or better yet, address it with the tournament director and referee before-hand if you think there will be an issue.
Tournament running late? Have food in your bag just in case.
Poor court conditions, have a plan for forcing a tournament director to give you a safe court to play on. It is your right!
Playing a super cheater threatening you with physical harm? Have a plan. Get the tournament director.
Feel free to share your own horror story! I know you have them!!
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