11 tips for excellence:
1. Do not come to the coach to get help. Come to the coach to collaborate.
2. Do not take orders from a coach. Work with a coach.
3. Understand that the coach cannot get you better. You must get better by practicing skills taught to you.
4. Playing is fun, but play with a purpose in practice.
5. Do not “blow smoke” to the coach. If you tell them you are practicing and you cannot hit the front wall, they will know you have not practiced!
6. Come ready to learn.
7. Coaches can make mistakes. let them know if they do! Do not keep it inside!
8. It is okay to fail in practice and for that matter in tournaments too, as long as you learn from it.
9. Regarding #8, if you make the same mistakes over and over. Find the reason. Do not avoid it!
10. Become a pressure player. Love pressure and love playing under pressure. Repeat to yourself, “I love pressure! The bigger the stakes, the better! This is a good test of my character.”
11. Have fun-it is a game!
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