For 4,840 consecutive days I have given you a racquetball tip of the day! Each day, I get up early, and post a tip of the day that has been written well in advance.
To the athletes I coach:
Special thanks. It is an honor to coach you and be involved in your careers on and off the courts! Your unbelievable achievements prove my coaching works and so does your hard work and belief in what I teach!
To My Readers:
Thanks so much for tuning in daily! Where do I get these tips? Mostly from you, the readers!! I get a lot of questions and those questions usually hit the forum!!
From my experience. When I give lessons, coach matches, listen to players and their support groups these ideas come to me.
Here is my first post, October 14, 2011. It may sound familiar as I am still beating this drum about mechanics and footwork!
Below was my first post over 13 years ago. Pretty short eh? haha
Oct 14, 2011-
“stroke mechanics—today I am going over video and it is driving me crazy—-the game is fast-no time for stepping sideways and spinning to hit the ball–square up to the side wall–with your feet almost parallel-and swing out and around. You hit harder with a whip than you do a board…………… you have to step sideways at times? Yes-no doubt-but it creates problems..big problems!”
Back to the present!
Most of my players are loyal to me! I do not “ditch” players or work my way up the chain to toss away lesser players for better ones. I also coach more than one athlete and that is misunderstood because people do not understand what I do. It is that chase for perfection that attracts champions to my coaching! I am having a blast today as much as I did in my first ever lesson 53 years ago!
Thanks again readers-I take this honor seriously and try to post some good stuff–and protect the top secret info that I continue to collect. My goal has been and continues to be get out in front of the curve and make others copy me and what I teach. I try to avoid following the herd, l and I look to the big money sports to learn footwork, balance and training.
Happy New Year!!
Onward and upward!!!