Build Your Mission Statement

Want to get mentally tougher? Why not build your own acronym? An acronym is a collection of letters that stands for something but forms a word.
PUP-I put this on my shoe and folks thought I was an animal lover. I am, but PUP stood for Poise under pressure. Often in tight matches I would gaze down at that strong message!
You can also do it with a mission statement for a tough match.
Find your own “happy place” acronym and use it for mental focus and success !
DLFBY-Don’t let the floor beat you!!
Mission statements are a great way of simplifying strategy.
LTGCTY-Let the game come to you!
DFS-Don’t force shots
TYP-Trust your practice!
YAMSYDT–You always miss shots you don’t take!
You get the idea! Write them down and enjoy the victories!

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