C Players for Center Court?


“I want to play on the showcase court. I am a C player, and I would like to be on that court.”
Never used to get this back in the day, but these days, things change.
Why C players should be on the show court.
1. Anyone not a top player could watch and think, hmmmm I could do that. In fact, anyone not a player at all could think that.
2. Sort of like the old bowling shows where the local bowling alley champ squared off vs other champs with handicaps etc. showcasing the average player is good business maybe.
Why C players should not be on the show court
1. Capitalist racquetball–win and keep winning and you are on center court. Lose and you go to court nine.
2. Work on your craft and get better! Center court will take care of itself.
3. Don’t focus on “where you play” but do focus on “how you play”.
4. Many times the C player does not like the glass on center court and they beg for a different court!
In my unofficial personal poll there are about as many reasons yay or nay. I might have to vote for C players on center court for one reason. Recreational players are the engine that drives tournament revenue. Both in certain situations are appropriate I guess for the tourney director.
Happy rollouts to all no matter what court you are on!

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