This is a great question that was asked of me a few days ago. I am paraphrasing and it went like, “Coach, What is the risk vs reward of changing your stroke mechanics after you have been playing a long time?”
Here is how I see it. “If I had a magic pill and if you took this pill, your game would go down one level or maybe two even for the first few weeks. After that your game would continue to improve up two levels from where you are now, would you take that pill? In other words if you are a B player now you would move to Elite or open. Would you take the pill?
But Wait! It gets better. Suppose this pill also cured your shoulder, elbow, back, and maybe even knee pain? Would you take the pill?
Even Better-suppose you did not have to go to a camp but got coached online to do this? I am working with players now of all levels, from Pro to Seniors and from C to the best (literally) in the world and they keep improving!
But Wait! Even better is this! Learning mechanics and footwork allows you to keep improving on your own game. You will be a smarter player and a trained observer in racquetball. My athletes constantly send me videos or links and ask me this question.
“This does not look right. Why are these athletes doing stuff like this?’
Your BS detector will be operating at a high level as you coach yourself up to continue on your path to excellence!
One more thing about this magic pill. It must be swallowed with a huge mug of practice and patience. You must get used to practicing and putting your ego aside. Alas, sadly, that is where many folks fall short. Once you go, go all in!
I played 14 years before I changed my mechanics. I changed in August and played my first tournament in late September and (at times) stunk the joint up but managed a respectable singles showing and a doubles championship. Then I kept improving and began to see the game much as I see it now. I know it can be done.
Risk-stay where you are or worse and then get insanely better or do nothing and hope things change. When you look at it realistically, what do you have to lose?
Go get’em Tiger!