Find A Coach-Stick With Them!


I hate it when I do not have the undivided attention of an athlete. It is not an ego thing either; it is an efficiency thing. Let me explain.
I have a way of doing things. I see a problem and then attack it. The way I coach is different than most out there. Coaches attack the problem differently because they coach “what”. What shot to hit, what position to go to, What percentage this and that and so on. I coach “how”. How to hit the shot means you will be able to execute at a higher level consistently. relatively free of injury.
For whatever reason some athletes end up working with another coach. This coach is eager to prove themselves and very eager to prove they know more than me. So they begin tinkering with the things I am doing with my athletes. I have many secret sauce examples that I will not relate in this forum but here is one general example.
Coach B tells me my athlete is not in ready position. Over and over my athlete is standing up instead of hunkering down into ready position between shots. This is a conflicting message because my athlete has a leg injury. Coach B does not know that or has forgotten that. I have modified by athlete’s positioning or should I say that athlete did it intuitively. I left it alone. Why? It is not affecting this athlete and will not affect this athlete in the near future. What would affect this athlete is having them “hunker down” into textbook court positioning.
Some players, parents, and fans think the more coaches the better, but I say, “Not necessarily!”
Find one; stick with them, and if you want other’s point of view, get theirs, and run it by your coach. There might be a reason your coach does not teach the same thing. Never assume this new coach is better for you.
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