Coach, I need a discount! I cannot afford you! Your fees are too high! Today more and more folks understand my fees and realize they are less expensive than my competitors but back in the day I used to offer discounted coaching to people. I worked hard for them and told them up front I expected them to do certain things to pay me back. Here they are (or were)

1. Be available to help me with camps or clinics
2. Be nice to people as they (the athlete I am coaching) represent me.
3. Believe in what I was saying. (remember, when I was starting out, it was hard to believe in a guy who taught differently than everyone. Today even though I have more results than any other coach in the world to prove I know what I am doing, athletes still are tempted to jump ship.)
4. Be loyal.

One young player was getting my help and one day I saw her getting a lesson from another player. Worse yet, I saw her reach into her bag and pull out a wad of bills and pay this guy. So I asked her why? She said if my lessons were less expensive she felt my coaching must not be as good as the guy charging more money. That comment taught me a lesson.

To the people who say I am too expensive : It is not about what you can afford, it is about what I can afford. Let me explain.
I have many customers who come to me for lessons. Do I have time to teach someone at a discount? No. Therefore all of my teaching is done for people who pay me. Thanks to the young lady with the attitude back in the day, I have learned people who pay are committed to learning and believe in me. Of course, that is reciprocal. I believe in them too!
(disclaimer: If that paragraph above sounded cold, consider this-I still do pro bono work at ASU coaching college kids, and helping out others who need it. It is not all about the money!)

Another thing I have learned. Those who cannot afford me and say I am too expensive should not be posting their photos from Cabos, or other exotic places or bragging about paying their cross-fit trainers on facebook! Worse is bragging about the four day party binge they went on last week!
Now if I am too expensive I do not reach as many players. I feel my message is important! If I am too inexpensive there will be no commitment.

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