I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more!” so goes the line from the movie, “Network”, back in the old days. Well on rball community within the past months I have seen several misguided and uninformed posts.
Racquetball public–please take note. I wish I could go into specifics–I really do. If something seems one-sided or under-handed please investigate before you go posting your take on what went down. Worse yet, do not post someone else’s take on what went down without investigating. Often the smoothest talking, nicest person can be that “snake in the grass” your Momma warned you about. For some reason our sport attracts power-brokers who can be very persuasive especially if it is to their advantage. Things are not always as black and white as they seem.
Here are the facts on some of these entities–
USA Racquetball-God knows I’ve had my issues with this organization but I have to say they try. They are not out to get you or me; but their policies might! If you investigate further you might find out their reasoning. Better yet, get elected to the board, and go sit in a room with them for a day or two at national tournaments if you want to change things.
IRT and LPRT tournaments–for the best pros in the world. Period. Behind the scenes it is not all puppies and rainbows for sure.
IRF-totally different motivations than playing for the tour..sort of….still money involved for athletes but the country pride counts for something….sort of…Playing for one’s country…sort of….
Tournament directors–again–most are trying to make a buck doing something they love. Cut them some slack please as they have a rough job pleasing so many players.
These are only a few entities–I left out many acronyms such as LPRT, WOR, NMRA, etc
All of these entities are bound to get in each other’s way. All of these entities attract “power broker type bureaucrats, including me. Many of the “mad as hell and am not going to take it” posts I have seen are dead wrong and without facts.
You may mean well, but do not post it unless you are certain you are correct. Even then, brace yourself because smooth talking Tommy or Tara will get on and debunk your post. Kind of like a pro or con political post thing. You will not win a war of words on social media!
While I am at it, those political posts….well, let’s leave those for another day!