The lower back is often overlooked but it is crucial to the proper body integrity which leads to proper stroke mechanics. Consider this; everything we do in racquetball is a forward motion with our shoulders, and torso. We have to work the counter-movement forces in the transverse movements that are the forehand and backhand. If you go to the Olympic Training Center and stop by the weight room, you will see future and present Olympians all working their lower back. In almost every movement in sports it is the key for success.
Here is a simple exercise I give my juniors-
These are called super mens (or super women’s)! Lie on the floor on your stomach and arch your lower back until your upper and lower body are off the floor, as if you were flying! A modified version is to just lift either the upper or lower body! Pulse up and hold to count of one and relax. These few movements can help with body integrity and reduce injury!
The idea is to train all the antagonistic muscles you never use when playing. Everything we do in racquetball is forward in movement with the shoulders as we execute “throwing” motions.
Now there are many more core exercises and I always recommend getting a professional trainer. This coach has a minor in physical education, but I am not an expert. I therefore enlist the help of trainers. All of the top players I have ever coached have had a team that included a trainer (or two). Find a good one and go get’em tigers!!

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