Snatch Victory From Jaws of Defeat!
You are crashing and burning on the racquetball court! Think it through! What is happening? Why are you losing rallies? Where are they serving you? Where are their points being scored? The answers to these questions will allow you to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and without the answers, vice versa!! Divide […]
Learn Your Craft!
Micromanaging Racquetball matches seems to be the norm in Racquetball. In a few weeks junior worlds will happen and you will be seeing all sorts of hand, arm, and weird signals from the coaches! When you see a player looking back for serves it can result in that player winning short term but losing […]
The Dave and Gregg Peck Coaching Tree
Above: Dave coaching them up!! In football analysts love to talk about coaching trees. One great coach has assistants that branch off from that tree and make their own mark on other teams. In racquetball The Dave and Gregg Peck Coaching tree is very impressive. Forget the thousands of national titles in age divisions, and […]
Timing For Gold Medal Mining
Timing can mean the difference between winning and losing. Some examples: 1. Junior player gets ball and serves. No timing. So junior is actually just putting the ball in play, not serving. 2. Junior takes time, and thinks. Junior puts ball in play after about 8 seconds. Junior is serving, not putting the ball […]
Believe in Yourself!
I was reading a thing the other day that struck me. It was a response to someone who had said their career was ruined by a few experts who told them they would never be any good. The career was in acting and the responses were swift. They went like this, “You are not […]
Play to get Better or Play to Win??
I get these from time to time in my mailbox. “Question. During a rally, player A runs into player B. Player A is the offensive player trying to get to the ball. He is able to absorb the contact and still get to the ball and hit it. Player B stops because of the […]
Slash the Z-Serve
Most of you readers are way too young to remember Zorro. Zorro was a Mexican cowboy hero famous for his sword and the Z he slashed into things so people and villains would remember him. If he played racquetball the Z serve would be his favorite!! This serve destroys players’ timing. Most tournament […]
Airplane Racquetball Causes and Cures!
One thing I have discovered since working out here in the desert of Arizona is a thing called “Airplane racquetball”. It goes like this. Athlete gets up at 3 or 4am and catches a flight to Phoenix, Arizona. They then grab a rental and drive to the club for their lesson. What follows is […]
Remote Coaching Rules!
I arrived at my financial business model many years ago. I discovered that one private lesson for an hour was not as effective as many once per week lessons. I try to explain to folks in a one hour lesson they can only get an hour of coaching. It is helpful but signing up on […]
Lower the Hip Level
Lower your center of gravity for better racquetball. I read an interesting article about a football coach who brought in video of two rams fighting on some mountain. The two beasts slammed into each other but the lower ram won every time. Now we do not run into each other (on purpose) but the […]