So Good They Can’t Ignore You!

Above: Two athletes who became so good nobody could ignore them. R Kane Waselenchuk, L Paola Longoria I am a fan of a book titled “So Good They Can’t Ignore You”, by Cal Newport. In this book he argues that passion for a calling in life is the wrong reason to go into that field. […]

Is it Appropriate to Give Advice to a Pro?

  I got this message the other day from an old acquaintance and opponent back in the day. “Coach, I saw this pro play and watched this athlete make what I thought were two crucial mistakes at the end of their match. I don’t know this athlete but the next day I introduced myself and […]

The Art of War-Graceful Retreat or Fight to the Death?

  So I ran across a question that went something like this: “Why did the Art of War book say never put your enemy in a corner. Allow them to retreat.” (I paraphrase here as I do not have the original quote) The answer went like this: Imagine you are surrounded with no chance to […]

Going Up! The Elevator Pitch!

  The Elevator Pitch Going up! The Elevator pitch is something I stumbled across in the sales guru lectures that are all over the internet. The premise is that you get on the elevator on ground floor, going up to the 8th floor and across from you is the most important person in your business […]

10 Truths of Junior Racquetball

  I’ve had pretty good success coaching juniors over the years because I have worked with great kids and parents. Here are a few things I try to impart on my kids. Ten tips for preteens and teens! 1. . Adults can be clever, temperamental or fiery. Kids will always be called brats! Unfair, but […]

Help! I Need A Discount!

  Coach, I need a discount! I cannot afford you! Your fees are too high! Today more and more folks understand my fees and realize they are less expensive than my competitors but back in the day I used to offer discounted coaching to people. I worked hard for them and told them up front […]

Shot Selection 101

  Mix your shots up!! Easy to say, harder to do. Why? Read on! Is your shot selection repetitive? Think it through. Is your opponent heading for your shot before you hit it? If so, you must change your shot selection. Part of changing your shot selection is good footwork and mechanics. For example, if […]

Help! My Opponents are Dissing Me!!

  Help! They are saying bad things about me!” Or “Do you know what they are saying about you?” Racquetball players who move up the chain of ability levels are often shocked when people who used to be their friends may not be because that player becomes a threat! That often leads to people saying […]

Three Approaches to Coaches!

  I need a coach or I cannot succeed. This is becoming a trend out here in racquetball land. I swear there were more coaches than players at the last junior tournament I attended. Let me take you back to a time where there were very few coaches in match play. In the 70s most […]

Racquetball Rules for Success

  A few months ago I had an, aspiring pro visiting me for help. I am going over video now and developing a game plan for this young phenom. For any coaching plan to be successful, I need the answer to one question, “What is your goal?” Once I have the goal we can attack […]

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