1970’s Champion Charlie Brumfield called it “the bum fight” and a few years ago at a Doubles event there were several incidents of it. I am talking about the fight for center court and fighting for position.
First, when an athlete holds up at the top levels and the ref does not call it, the athlete has no choice but to swing away. In one match an athlete almost took another one’s head off but the ref created the situation. By ignoring close play and awarding a free point to the opponent because the athlete held up their swing, the ref left the athlete in a position where they became more aggressive.
Second, the pushing, shoving and jockeying for court position in doubles is often overlooked by a referee who is watching the ball on the other side of the court. Like it or not, you have to embrace this and fight back. I am almost reminded of the old “goon” role in hockey of beating up the star player. Know what? It works!
The bum fight starts when two players, the bums, really want to win. They fight and fight hard. It often comes down to who wants it more.
Sadly, (or maybe not so sadly for safety’s sake) the bum fight days are coming to an end. The modern player holds up and begs for an avoidable hinder. What amazes me are two things.
1. The players ref and play at the same time and the ref allows it.
2. Some of the non-calls and calls are head scratchers. I see blatant avoidables called replays and mystery hold-ups called avoidables.
I guess due to the subjectiveness of the calls it will never be fair but it is frustrating to watch!
I do see some strong referees and they are is needed for the tough matches-the good refs ignore the players’ hinder begging and call it like they see it. Do they get all calls right? No, but all the players (and this coach) want is consistency!
Go Get’em Tigers!