Where do I get these ideas for the Winterton Racquetball TOD? Mostly from folks I am teaching or folks who write in to me. Here is an example.
Dear Coach W,
This happens to me all the time. I get out to a good lead but then I lose it. I have a hard time keeping the momentum going. My opponent makes a shot or two, I make a mistake, they hit a lucky shot off the frame and next thing you know, my game is heading south instead of north!
Help me Coach!
Crashing in Cleveland
Dear Crashing,
Maybe you are focusing on the wrong thing. You are out to a lead. Way to go! You are winning. Then you lose a few points. My bet is your mind is saying things like “Here we go again!” or “I can’t believe this is happening again”
Ever have a bad teammate who was negative? Your teammate is your brain saying those things. Below is an example of a good teammate talking-let them in your locker room of your brain!
“That’s okay. All you need to do is get the serve back. Get them behind me. Do not keep shooting from the back unless it is a setup. Let the game come to me, do not force it.”
Now that’s a good teammate and someone you should listen to.
Good luck and wishing you success so your name changes to “Kill shots in Cleveland”!
Onward and upward,
Coach W