There is an old football saying, “The hay is in the barn”. I guess it would be a rural football saying but basically it means we have prepared the best we can (the hay is in the barn so farmers can weather the winter storms). We can apply the same thought to racquetball match preparation. Think about this. Most matches are won way before the game in a tournament or league.
Once the preparation is done, it is too late to do much more. There might be a few tweaks you can make on your serve but other than that, it is too late. The practice is over. It is time to get into opening night as they say in the theater business.
What can you do? Visualize your practices and what you worked on. Get plenty of sleep. Eat properly. Drink plenty of fluids.
Get your mind off the competition the evening before. Relax and try not to angst over the upcoming competition.
Sometimes I get last minute emails or videos day of or day before a tournament from athletes looking for feedback. Unless it is something we have worked on and can change, there is not much I can do at that point. They can expect a “looks great” from me usually.
Once you have warmed up, I have two sayings I love. One-have fun-it is a game. Two-trust your practice!
The hay is in the barn!

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