The late Paul Harvey used to have a radio segment called; “The Rest of the Story.” In this segment he had interesting facts about historical events and people. Here are three of my recent “rest of the stories”!
I apologize to the bulk of my audience who are too young to remember Paul Harvey.
Incident 1-Player A gets a questionable call against them at match point. They want a replay and appeal to the other player. The other player refuses. The crowd is mad at that behavior.
The rest of the story: Player A had cheated player b for years out of games, points and matches and was famous for their nasty behavior. The crowd only saw the end of one match.
Incident 2-Player A skips a ball at match point to lose the match and player B overly cheers the error in a boisterous manner. The crowd naturally sides with the offended player who skipped the ball.
The rest of the story-there was a history during the match of the offended player trash talking the other player who skipped balls during rallies. The payback came at match point.
Incident 3-Player wins a big tournament blowing away the competition. Everyone oooohs and ahhhhhhs over this player. Rest of the story. This player is super-talented and super lazy. Experienced athletes can see the player is not improving and paired with a less talented athlete. Player is still under-achieving.
Racquetball is a competitive game. Payback sometimes comes and often it does not. Racquetball like life, is not fair. Often there is much more to the story than what you will see as an observer.
I’m Coach Winterton.
Good Day! (The way Paul Harvey signed off his radio segments)

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