Dear Coach,
Could you please set up my training every day from now until January?
Game Ball
Dear Game Ball,
Yes, if you can share with me your personal schedule day in and day out from now until January? Sounds like a tough job?
Each day your schedule will change and have to change depending upon how your life changes. Therefore here is what we can do.
First-what are the weaknesses you need to work on?
Strength? Footwork? Skill? What specific skill? Agility? Cardiovascular endurance?
For example:
Strong athletes may not need so much time getting stronger and maybe they should spend more time on skill?
Less skillful athletes maybe should spend less time on full speed training of shots and spend more time practicing slower repetitions developing proper mechanics.
Therefore no two programs should look alike. Each program should reflect what that specific athlete needs!
So here is a generic look at a 6 week training schedule: Weeks 1,3,5
M Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Su
Cardio Strength Skill Cardio Strength Skill Off
play play play
Weeks 2,4,6
M Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Su
St Cardio St Skill St Cardio off
play play play
Now this is just general-And you could add flexibility, mental preparation, vision acuity, nutrition and sleep for example! You can break down the workouts any way you wish:
Sk1=drive serves left and right, Sk2=lobs, lob Z’s and Z serves etc.
Each day start with your training-if emergencies pop up-think of ways to incorporate 15 minute segments of training into your day. Once in my life this meant getting up at 4am to train, working a full day, and going to the courts after work.
This is why you must take ownership in your schedule-and we are coming back to my philosophy of coaching-you must be independent, not dependent upon a coach every day! Hope this helps!!
Good luck and go get’em Game Ball!!
Onward and upward,
Coach W

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