Every once in awhile I get one of these.
Dear Coach–my opponent hit me on purpose. I got so mad and I am still mad. My opponent cheated, hit me on purpose, ran into me, and called my momma names under her breath so only i could hear.
I hate (fill in the blank) because they got me off my game. They are cheaters!
Cheated on, lied to, and treated like dirt.
Dear Co,Lt, and Tld,
Let’s get something clear. Your opponent is not your problem. Yes, your opponent may not be up for the Mother Theresa award, but you reacted in a way that reinforced your opponent’s behavior. Say what? Blame the victim here?
Yes-in racquetball when cheating, gamesmanship, bullying, negative chirping, and physical hitting are used by an opponent they are saying this:
“I am scared of you. I do not think I can beat you without stretching the rules.”
Once you realize that, you should want them to resort to all of that. That means you have them if you do not let it get to you.
Here is your strategy-they hit you. You work really hard to win three rallies. One to get them. One to really get them and one to stick it to them.
They take a double bounce and cheat: See above.
They call your Momma a bad name. See above.
This strategy teaches an ugly opponent that the tricks to throw you off will not work. They will stop it and have to play racquetball. Then they are really in a jam! Advantage you!
This little trick also allows you to focus on your objective; winning!
Go get’em Tiger!
Coach W