Short Racquetball tip today-Fill in the blank-what’s missing?
What’s in your wallet? an old tag from a commercial–So let’s switch that to
-What’s in your racquetball bag?
This one never ceases to amaze me–from q-tips to spare car batteries-anyway-I exaggerate a little-but not much!
Gloves, rubber bands, grips, racquets(of course) spare shirts, shorts, socks, ankle wrap, neosporin, advil, water, protein drink, (no Advocare commercials please) , racquetballs-of all different types-green for women pros and Gearbox Blacks for IRF, and purple for IRT, as well as an assortment pink and blue racquetballs. A flexible band for arm exercises and a teaching aid, and spare change for emergency drinks or bottled water if I run out. A selfie stick, a bag of racquetballs and cones for footwork. Vitamin B12 powder, protein shake bottle with powder, business cards, 10 gloves, pliers for racquet lanyard issues, name tag for the club I work at, membership card for same, and three pair of eyeguards. Oh and two racquets! Pro Kennex thank you very much!
What’s in your wallet? I know I left something out!

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