Above: Coaching Doubles at the Elite Camp!

Five tips for winning doubles.

National doubles unwritten rules. Find a good partner and:

1. Hang out between matches with your partner. Two players function as one best when they play a lot together. Pair up with someone you like.

2. Two good singles players may not make a good doubles team. You must pick a player who complements what you do. Not like in “My, you look nice today!” That is a compliment, not complement. So we want someone whose strengths are your weaknesses so you would complement each other or “complete me” as mini-me did for Dr Evil!

3. Play good shot selection based on who you play. Often the weakness is the middle. I am not just talking right handed and left handed teams either. Hitting the ball with pace into the middle jams the players in the front court.

4. Think of the accordion. Pull them in up front and them pass them. Squeeze in and squeeze out!

5. Do not squander over-heads. One wall offensive shots off short ceiling balls are a must. With a rightie lefty team hit that overhead front wall-side wall into the middle to expose the backhands!

There are many more tips to good doubles but these five are a start to solid play!

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