Slippery Floors and Unlatched Doors

Watch out for slippery floors and bad doors. One thing freaks me out about racquetball is the lack of maintenance on the court floors and doors. Floors first-dust collects fast on the courts for many reasons. At my old club little nippers run on there with Mommy and Daddy after a long run outside and bring the outside in. Construction in the club also raises dust and the ventilation system eventually deposits it on the court floors. All of you who pay club dues make sure you ask the folks to clean the courts regularly. One slip could be a muscle rip!

Now the doors need maintaining also. I see some doors are not flush with the wall and some do not latch tight. I do not want to see an heated match and a player running into an open door or getting a finger stuck in a door jam. Make sure your court is safe and the lights are intact-another fear of mine-I have seen the top of a light give way and shatter on the floor. Your workplace probably has safety first all over the wall, think of the racquetball courts in the same way!

I am not talking about my club! All good with our courts for the most part. The Dust mopping of the floor is something you will never have perfect. The nature of the air vents deem it so. You can mop the floors and within a few hours they can be dusty again. So twice a day is okay, but players probably will have to fill in a few times if there is a mop around. (That is why there is usually a mop around the courts somewhere!)

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