Hey Coach W-
What do you do if you have lost the desire to play racquetball? I mean I love the game and everything but lately I cannot find the motivation to play. Have you ever seen this before with players?

Burned out in ‘Bama

Dear BOIB,

Great question–when I run into this I ask this question-When was the last time you took one week off without playing? Sometimes I’m shocked to discover they are playing every day–or it has been over three years since they took a week off. Whether that is the issue or not-I have people drop the racquet and just not play. If they are my student I have them call me when or if they are ready to go back on the court. If I get a call-I tell them not yet–wait–if they call back in a day–they are ready–if it is a week I have them wait until they call me back in a day–then the desire is back! Warning-the desire may not come back ever or in some cases for ten or twenty years!

The moral is some people get bored of it and drop the racquet and never come back to it. Others never get tired of competing.
In any event all of the above is okay. It is about quality of life and family, not racquetball!!

So rest up and go get’em Tiger….or just rest up!
Onward and upward

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