Racquetball Mind Repair
Mind repair. When your car breaks down you go the garage and they find a part to replace the broken one. Here are seven “broken” mindsets and the parts below to replace them! 1. Uh Oh-here we go again. (forecasting your loss ahead of time!) 2. I can’t get my first serve in! (meaning-I am […]
10 Tips for Forehand
Forehand basics revisited-10 rules of a good forehand- 1. Parallel feet–not staggered. This keeps you away from the ball and gives you leverage and options. 2. Weight balanced and power generated from the leg nearest to the back wall–not weight on the front leg. 3. Stay away from the ball and bend your knees, that […]
Coaching Blizzard
Lessons above and beyond! Some time ago I had an exhausting lesson session during the middle of a tournament. Now for those who do not know, I coach from 8am to 8pm at least and sometimes longer when coaching in tournaments. Then I try to sneak in a little time on the court with my […]
Tips For Serve Return
Return of serve 303 level– Where you line your feet up to return serve can be huge. Mistakes I see: 1. I see folks staggering their feet diagonally in their stance. This puts them at a disadvantage if they are served to the “closed side”(side away from the staggered front foot). 2. Up too close-I […]
Sideline Chatter
The side comments during a pro match I have to get rid of or I cannot concentrate on the match. I also have to stop the commentary–I know the commentators mean well but it does not help me focus on what is happening on the court. Here are some comments not necessarily by commentators, but […]
Monkey See Monkey Don’t!
The late Dr Bud Muehleisen changed the game forever in the 70’s and 80’s. Now all you young players stay with me because this is not so much a jog down memory lane as it is a good lesson for you young whippersnappers! Dr. Bud influenced so many people including me, directly and indirectly. […]
Brain Training
I think this little tip will go a long way in anyone’s racquetball game and for that matter the game of life as well!! Recently I was asked this: “Do you work with mental skills as well as the mechanics of footwork and strokes?” Answer-I did not realize i did but from day one […]
Coaching Phar Lap
If a coach does not have the athletes, they will have a hard time winning. The media and fans judge success as winning. Somebody has to lose; it is competition. I watched an NFL coach meltdown with reporters a few years ago after his team lost their football game. He admitted he did not know […]
80-20 Rule
This is a scenario I have seen played out again and again, in my classrooms, on the athletic fields and on the racquetball courts. An extremely talented individual appears. They are so gifted I cannot believe my good luck! I know they will be an athletic or student superstar! At the same time a seemingly […]
Slice Serve
RACQUETBALL TIPS by Jim Winterton In recent years I have gotten this question. “Coach, What is a “cut” or “slice” serve?” This is a term used to describe a serve that makes the ball travel away from your opponent on your forehand side. This can open up the entire court and make the […]