Halt the Hinder Flop
Avoidable hinder begging can be obnoxious. I have to blame some of this on the pro players who often hold up for the rally hinder. Sometimes it is hard for me to watch due mostly to my old school experiences which often included throwing a half-nelson on your opponent to get them out of the […]
Put Fun in Junior Racquetball
So many of us end up teaching racquetball to newbies just out of courtesy and respect for the game. Others of us actually taught beginners in a more formal setting in club programs. Either way teaching racquetball for beginners can be fun. Here are seven things to consider when working with new players. 1. Stay […]
Racquetball, Pan Ams, and Worlds
Above: USA Pan Am Champion Rhonda Rajsich and Coach some years ago. Some explanation for racquetball nation is in order to explain what World Games and Pan Am games mean to racquetball. Most of the racquetball public is familiar with the pro stops, USA Racquetball championships, and IRF tournaments. What the public might not […]
Coach Qualification in Racquetball Nation
A few days ago I ran across a post regarding coaching and my name was bantered about by several folks. First, I was flattered by people who recognized my long career of coaching. But the second thing that struck me was this question, “Can a non-player or someone who was not that good as a […]
Empathy for Athletes
Coaching 101- Empathy for your athletes! Remember back to when you were first learning the game is important. Leaving your comfort zone is important. I have a theory that in most cases if a coach has not done the work they are giving athletes, they are not going to be effective. A coach thinking they […]
Where is Center Court?
The holy grail of court positioning is the receiving line. I see many pros teaching this and the dotted line used to be where all players should go. One of the reasons this worked so well was many players used a side wall extensively. I like at least two feet behind the receiving line as […]
The Guilt Trip Player!!
The guilt trip player can be a shock the first time you experience this. The GTP plays on an athlete’s sense of fairness. The GTP knows their opponent wants to be perceived as fair. GTP takes advantage of that. Phrases like “If that is the way you are going to play…” or “I can’t believe […]
Rollouts in Cleveland
Where do I get these ideas for the Winterton Racquetball TOD? Mostly from folks I am teaching or folks who write in to me. Here is an example. Dear Coach W, This happens to me all the time. I get out to a good lead but then I lose it. I have a hard time […]
Short Term or Longer Fix?
Aspiring to Greatness Student of Racquetball: Hey Coach, “I just want a few tips I do not want to tear down my game.” Me: “Okay so here is how I look at it. If I give you a few tips it will help your game for the immediate future. Beyond that, not so much. For […]
Winning Junior’s Off Years in Age Divisions
I have been hearing this sort of statement from parents and even some coaches of junior players for as long as I have been coaching juniors. (50 years thank you very much!). ” That statement goes like this. “What a bummer that this is an off-year for junior competition. Now Biff or MIssy are now […]