Coach help-my partner sucks! I have gotten these from my athletes playing doubles more than once. I have pointed out some tips in previous posts about this but with addition of mixed doubles to international and national play, I think this may help some teams.
To the Alpha player-Definition-clearly the most skilled member of the doubles team or maybe not so clearly, but in their mind they are!
Dear Alpha-like all great artists, you are stuck with a supporting cast team member. The greatest actors elevate the acting skills of the supporting actor or actress and the production is a hit. That is your job. Your job is not to be a critic and point out every little mistake and keep nagging your partner. Your job is not to take their shots and crowd them over to the side. Your job is to elevate their performance by encouraging them.
Some phrases to remember:
“That’s ok-keep taking that shot.”
“What do you think about going defense when we can?”
“Great shot!”
Some phrases to never use:
“What are you doing?”
“Why are you …..fill in the blank..”
Bad Body language-roll eyes-look disgusted-stop trying–
To the Supporting cast to alpha Bob or Barbie:
If any of the above things are happening to you-communicate-
Thanks (for any positive bone thrown your way)
Hey-that’s not helping (for any negative hurled at you)
Here’s what i need from you-
Stop hogging my shots..
True story to illustrate..or as true as it gets when I tell a story…..
I will never forget in the finals of the Long Island open-I am playing the right side and here comes a setup off the back wall to the right. I yell “i got it” my partner yells the same. I repeat-my partner repeats–I take the swing and knock him down and he gets up and pushes me and I push him back and tell him to stay off my side of the court!”
He was the alpha-clearly a national champion but I have to take my shots. We won, had fun, and laughed about it later!