Ten Qualities of Great Coaches


When I was first beginning my life as an athlete I was very fortunate to have some great coaches and mentors. Here are 10 things I can think of that great coaches do. I know there must be more so feel free to help me out on this one.
Super-Coaches know how to:
1. Alway change practices up. When athletes know what’s coming it can get boring.
2. Read the room. Know when to change skill teaching and when to change the explanation.
3. The devil is in the details. Anyone can teach a forehand but a great coach can teach at least 4 different approaches to hitting a forehand.
4. When an athlete learns a new skill, do not just have them execute that skill once. Reinforce it with more repetition.
5. Coach the person, not the skill. Know what motivates your students and do not bore them.
6. Do not be condescending. You are not above mistakes yourself and you should respect all of the people you work with.
7. Be careful with judgmental coaching! There are not good kids and bad kids. There are kids who need to learn life skills! Start there!
8. Be creative. Know why your athlete lost or won. Then, work to help them improve.
9. Never take it for granted they will win. No matter how good an athlete is, they can lose.
They do not have to think like that, and you probably do not want them to think like that, but you have to so surprises do not happen.
10. Help them be better people through competition in sports. To me that is the bottom line in coaching.
If you do all of the above, the athlete does not have to think but just complete the thousands of hours of rehearsal for the performance!
Go get’em Tigers!
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