Horse and Buggy Racquetball?
I was reading the story of Jesse James and his gang. What in the world does that have to do with racquetball? Here is what struck me. They decided to find an easy bank to rob and settled on one in the town of Northfield, Minnesota. As soon as they rode into town they […]
Coaching 101
Coaching clinic–A parent told me recently their child felt calm when I showed up at their match. Here are some match coaching tips-and if you watch the veteran coaches some are really good at these skills! How do you calm an athlete? Read on! 1. Look calm, smile, and look relaxed, even if you are […]
Playing The Brutes
This email floated across my desk recently. “Coach, thanks so much for your daily tips. Here is a question for you. Do you have any advice about women playing men. I play a lot of men and have to out think them all the time. Thanks in advance– Anonymous Lady from LA Dear Anonymous, […]
Training Days
Training days!! Across my desk came this request. “Please set up a training schedule for this athlete for three weeks.” My reply: “Whoa! First, I do not know this athlete’s personal schedule. I can make a great training schedule and if the athlete cannot go to the club on Tuesdays or Thursdays, what good […]
Good Ole Days Revisited!
The good old days! I love it when people talk about the old days in racquetball. Folks my age will say something like, “Back in our day we got on the court at 8am and went from singles to doubles to singles to doubles over and over until 7 or 8pm at night. We […]
Racquetball Boarding
For three years I served on the Arizona State Board and I am now going on year 5 with a little break between terms. Prior to that I had stints as the NY State President back in the day and the NY State Board. Why do I do this? To give something back to […]
Excuse Bag Blues
Poor footing–poor lighting–poor reffing–poor everything–Racquetball excuse bags are full! We can make them all day long. Bottom line is an opponent plays on the same court we do. Poor footing? They have the same problem. Poor lighting etc. They have the same problem. Basically it comes down to who wants it more given the skill […]
Six Training Tips
Training tips!! Many players are posting their training on facebook. Some of it is very good and some of it scares me! Here are a few observations of video sessions I that scare me. 1. Many of the trainers do not understand footwork. You might be training for shallow crossover steps while picking up objects. […]
Want to Be Coached?
You need a coach? Or a cheerleader? I have been fortunate to only have had this happen about 3 times in the last 45 years but I have had a few athletes who were not happy with my coaching. One of these athletes ended up with three coaches. Coach one had no idea what I […]
Players Beware
Questions for Up and Coming Players 101. I am seeing more and more players out there taking a left turn when they should be staying straight on their path up. Surrounding yourself with the correct group of people will take your game will to the top. Surround yourself with the wrong people and your […]