Slippery Floors and Unlatched Doors

Watch out for slippery floors and bad doors. One thing freaks me out about racquetball is the lack of maintenance on the court floors and doors. Floors first-dust collects fast on the courts for many reasons. At my old club little nippers run on there with Mommy and Daddy after a long run outside and […]

Hoveration in Racquetball Nation

I was scouring through video last night and came across a problem with an athlete who complained of getting jammed with the ball. He told me his swing did not feel right and sure enough when I viewed the video I saw him “hovering” too close to the ball on the forehand side. To make […]

Mental Chains in Racquetball Brains

Dear Young aspiring athlete, I wish I could free you from your cage. You have restrained your creativity and shot-making abilities with your mental chains. Your mind is saying this to you: 1. I cannot believe I made that mistake. 2. Here it goes again, more mistakes coming. 3. I just cannot believe it is […]

Where’s The Fun?

Recently I saw some posts regarding a juniors workout. One thing that struck me was-where’s the fun? When we began playing were we drilling forehands and backhands? Here are some tips to put some fun into juniors’ racquetball! First, keep the conditioning and weight training on the down low. Little kids are so active and […]

Training Days

Dear Coach- Please set up a training schedule for me and send it to me. I need a day by day schedule and month by month for the next three months. Signed, In Need of Guidance Dear INOG, How in the world can I do that without knowing your own day in and day out […]

Feel the Game

As the joke goes, a priest, a minister and a rabbi walk into a bar….you can fill in the rest, but the punchline has to be delivered perfectly to make the joke funny! What does this have to do with racquetball? Bear with me! I marvel at the lack of creativity sometimes when watching tournament […]

Brain Games

The game within the game is always fun. In the 90s while coaching the USA team our number three player was matched up with a player from Canada. Our guy was cruising. He won game one, and was ahead most of game two but he began faltering, ran out of gas and lost a close […]

Get Your Own Contact Point

So I am talking to a colleague regarding coaching. He told me he was shocked that one of his students took a lesson from three world famous players and/or coaches, and all of them told this student something different about their contact point during the swing. I was not one of those coaches but I […]

The Hay is in the Barn!

There is an old football saying, “The hay is in the barn”. I guess it would be a rural football saying but basically it means we have prepared the best we can (the hay is in the barn so farmers can weather the winter storms). We can apply the same thought to racquetball match preparation. […]

How Do You Mend a Broken Heart?

This one came across my desk some time ago. I get many of these and it is hard to answer these if I never saw the player or the match. “Coach W, any advice or opinion for this man with a broken heart who was eliminated in the quarterfinals despite giving everything ?! I would […]

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