Today the top players employ two things the squash players of yesteryear did not. Modern footwork and the kill shot. Yep, at the pro levels they do go for it from the deep court. Admittedly the defense is spectacular too but the rallies can be pretty long and intense.
Tennis and pickleball have similar skills and when I watch both of them I am struck by the same things that apply to all racquet sports such as racquet (oops paddle) prep and footwork.
I used to be against playing squash for racquetball improvement. Why? It reinforced incorrect footwork but I did not mind squash if the correct footwork is used.But the footwork of the modern squash players is much more efficient than the old lunging steps with the wrist flicks.
So I do endorse squash for footwork and conditioning but during the racquetball season I suggest you use squash sparingly because of the tin. You will be utilizing long rallies to win racquetball matches vs putting the ball away. Admittedly if you are disciplined enough to play both sports and separate the difference in stroke mechanics, you will be in great shape and rocking and rolling. Go get’em tigers!!