Thanks to Mine and All Racquetball Mommas!

This is a racquetball post…sort of. It is a personal post but it does have implications for us all.
I am the oldest of five children whose young lives started on a farm in upstate New York. My brothers and sister have all had successful professional lives and have great families. Our mother’s birthday was December 15. She passed away many years ago after a prolonged bout of cancer. When she passed she left behind my Dad, four sons and her daughter and some huge lessons. As a tribute to my Mom and all mothers out there today’s post honors those matriarchs.
Things I learned from my Mother:
1. Honor other cultures, religions, and races.
2. “Put yourself in other’s shoes”.Have empathy.
3. Help the unfortunate
4. Better to “fess up” than to lie.
5. You may not be liked by everyone, but you can be respected if you are fair.
6. Stop picking on your brother/sister, they are younger than you.
7. When it is time to come to dinner, you had better be there.
8. Take an interest in people’s lives and help them when they need it.
9. Be accepting of people
10. Work hard and provide for your family.
RIP Margaret Durant Winterton
When I read that someone has lost a beloved mother, aunt or matriarch of their family I always feel that pain. Those people, like my sister, three brothers and I have all been blessed!

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