Training days!!
Across my desk came this request. “Please set up a training schedule for this athlete for three weeks.”
My reply:
“Whoa! First, I do not know this athlete’s personal schedule. I can make a great training schedule and if the athlete cannot go to the club on Tuesdays or Thursdays, what good would my schedule be? Here are the things needed to make a good training schedule for an athlete.”
1. When can they get to the courts?
2. What is their school, work. and family schedule? (A great schedule that omits work, school, or family, is a bad schedule)
3. Spiritual obligations–start there–then family–then work or school–then racquetball!
4. Get a practice book and chart what happens in the practices. With your mind in neutral, hitting without thinking, will result in poor practice. Engage the mind by focusing on the process and what little things lead to great results.
5. Have goals in practice–how many kills can you hit in ten attempts? Chart the % !!
6. Work hard and short, not long and unfocused.
7. Make your “work” practices harder than tournaments!
8. Build in rest days or moderate “skill days” after your hard workouts. Rest is as important as work so the body and mind can recover.
8. Have fun! Build fun time and down time into a practice schedule!
9. Use abbreviations for day’s tasks–ie ST=strength, SP=footwork, SK=skills, Cardio=cardio training
10. Have a hard day, easy day and a hard week, easier week. The body needs recovery time!
Now you will have a great training schedule! Get out there and get after it!

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