Little Details Can Make a Big Difference

  Little things make a big difference in your game. Here is one. Everybody knows (well almost) that to hit a good shot on both sides of the court you should change your grip. This gives you a longer injury-free career. What everybody may not know is the angle of the wrist with the arm […]

Rules Leading To a Beating on That Opponent Cheating!

  When these come across my desk I get fired up! I love this topic! Read on! “Any advice for me going into going into Paralyze mode after playing someone who is cheating and taking bad calls? The older I get, the harder it is to not let it affect me and the game goes […]

Top 10 Racquetball Improvement Issues

    Top ten issues that inhibit Improvement in racquetball. 1. Following Coach’s instructions-You must go beyond if you want to improve. Take your improvement into your own hands and work on it. 2. Not following Coach’s Instructions-But number one, remember to use the skills being taught by coach. 3. Not hiring or finding a […]

A Little Hate for the Ingrate!

Coaching ungrateful folks hurts! Nothing is worse than working with a player, watching that player win, and then getting the shock of your life when they thank someone else! It is easy to say “don’t take it personally; there are political reasons and yada yada, but the bottom line is when you work hard with […]

Cat or Middle Linebacker?

A wide stance keeps you low on the ball on return of serve. Yes, if the ball is within your reach or stride. If not, you will be in no position to return a serve offensively. What is wrong with a low stance in a defensive return of serve? Well, in most levels of play […]

Go Vote

  Ok-Ok-it is a presidential election year and this is as close to political as I will ever get in this forum! Go out and vote and no matter what the outcome, and remember you can vote. In some other countries that is not an option. One other thing you should remember. When you post […]

Squash vs Racquetball Training

  Today the top players employ two things the squash players of yesteryear did not. Modern footwork and the kill shot. Yep, at the pro levels they do go for it from the deep court. Admittedly the defense is spectacular too but the rallies can be pretty long and intense. Tennis and pickleball have similar […]

Don’t Forget the Milk

  Distractions distractions distractions-How do you deal with them 101? Here is a tip I first heard from a handball champion in the 60s. “Never take your eye off the ball, even during timeouts and between games.” I tried that and it worked! Let me explain why (at least for me) When I looked outside […]

Coaching vs Teaching

  Coaching people vs teaching racquetball to people; that is a subtle difference. Teaching someone return of serve may go like this: Work with them on the court. Work on their footwork. Collect the money. Make an appointment for the next lesson and go home. One of my athletes told me the first lesson with […]


  At a reunion of my college football teams one of my former teammates, who spent years coaching football and baseball said something that stuck with me. “The smell of fear is a powerful stink. Opponents can smell it first but it travels to coaches and into the stands so the fans can smell it […]

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