
  At a reunion of my college football teams one of my former teammates, who spent years coaching football and baseball said something that stuck with me. “The smell of fear is a powerful stink. Opponents can smell it first but it travels to coaches and into the stands so the fans can smell it […]

Phar Lap-Athlete or Coach?

    Thoughts on the top men’s and women’s open/pro racquetball play leads to Phar Lap thoughts! Most of the time one player has risen to the top and the others are chasing that athlete. The number one spot is not easy. Not only do you get everyone’s best effort but as the others struggle […]

Brat Attack!

  This one floated across my desk some time ago. Dear Coach, Recently I encountered the most obnoxious junior player who was extremely disrespectful. What was worse was his father seemed to encourage this behavior. I just wanted to grab and him and say listen here kid. You’re really good. Like REALLY good but you […]

The Workout Changes-Here’s Why!

  Two of my athletes were overheard talking racquetball. They were discussing training and improving but one thing I had not thought that much about was being discussed. “Each training session he (meaning me) changes the lesson! Did you ever notice that? “Yes, and each year he changes to work on something totally new.” There […]

Be Where Your Feet Are!!

  Recently I saw an interview with an NFL position coach. The reporter asked that coach for their favorite saying. The coach’s reply? “Be where your feet are!” That resonated with me. Here is an extra message to send to your feet! Don’t worry, be happy! While many coaches, myself included, use speed ladders and […]

Pass It On!!

  Stay with me here–Pass it on post! Recently I received a few messages and calls from former students. They wanted to thank me for lessons I taught and influence I had on their lives when they were in my classroom. Each of these kids had difficulties in their young lives and at those times […]

The Victor Story Part Two

Continued from yesterday: The Victor Neiderhoffer story part two: I should have started this disclaimer. Much of this is hearsay. What I know and what I heard are two different things. Remember that-Victor Neiderhoffer is famous. Look him up but before he became a successful stock broker he was famous for beating Marty Hogan after […]

The Victor Neiderhoffer Story, Part one

Above: Victor Neiderhoffer: Photo from Wikopedia post In recent days the Victor Neiderhoffer’s racquetball story has been mentioned on and off in the racquetball classic pages. Much of this is hearsay and legend but I will start with what I do know. Part one: Here is what I do know. Victor appeared on the scene […]

Whyo Whyo All the Plyo??

  I happened upon this the other day and I wanted to get this post out. Plyometrics—l saw a video of a proud coach putting some teenagers through depth jumps of four feet up to and down from boxes. Plyometrics (depth jumps) are a great way of training but……….not for kids. In puberty and Pre-puberty […]

I Hate the XYZ Ball!

  Help! I hate the ball we are playing with! I hate the court we are playing on. I hate the ref in charge of this match. I hate the (fill in the blank). When I hear this I can forecast what is coming. The athlete has their built-in excuse. I always use the xyz […]

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