Down Time is “Go Time”!

When tournaments are scarce, the players seem to lighten up on their playing and training schedules. But that is the best time to improve racquetball skills. What do you need to improve upon? Answer: Where are they serving you and how are they serving you?” If the answer is lob to the backhand -duh–improve cutting […]

Racquetball Skills Drills

Two athletes come to me for a lesson. Athlete one is ranked on the pro tour. Athlete two is a C player who wants to play tournament. Athlete two gets my stationary drop and hit treatment on the forehand and backhand side. Why? I want them to learn how to hit with their lower body, […]

Off Court vs On Court Training

    This question came to me through the chat room on a rare appearance for me on USA Racquetball Live Streaming in the men’s finals of the USA Racquetball Doubles and singles qualifying tournament in Feb 2020. Forgive me because I am paraphrasing but it went something like this-“How much time do you recommend […]

Six Return of Serve Tricks

Here are 6 common return of serve issues I run into with my athletes at all levels! First, I see some new coaches posting some tips out there that are almost correct. I have to say almost correct because every athlete is different. To make them all the same can backfire. All footwork is different […]

Never Let Good Enough Be Good Enough

So a few years ago I am watching one of my players and a fan asked me this question. Does this player have “it”? So I ask what do they mean by “it”? Response: “You know, can they be number one, win pro stops etc. and have the it factor?” My answer: “I have no […]

Don’t Listen to the Doubters!

I was reading something the other day that struck me. It was a response to someone who had claimed their career was ruined by a few experts who told them they would never be any good. Those critics drove this person away from success. Their career was acting and the responses were swift! Most went […]

Remote Racquetball Coaching

Above: These athletes were remotely coached by me during Junior World Competition last year. sd Remote coaching-how does it work? To do a good job a coach has to answer this question for the athlete, “How do I improve?” Dear Athlete, First-identify the problem– here is why (fill in the blank here) is not working. […]

Help! My Opponent is Trash-Talking Me!

I got a phone call from an athlete I coach. “Coach, my opponent’s talking trash to me and cheating! Every time I play this guy in practice he resorts to cheating and trash talking. Do you have any advice? It threw me completely off my game and I ended arguing instead of playing.” First-this happened […]

Happy Valentines Day Racquetball Players

In honor of Valentine’s Day-10 tips for racquetball widows and widowers: 1. Yes, your spouse loves racquetball. not more than you, but still …….! 2. Yes, your spouse spends too much time at the gym. Isn’t that better than the bar? 3. Yes, your spouse is a great player and can beat you. Brag about […]

Halt the Hinder Flop

Avoidable hinder begging can be obnoxious. I have to blame some of this on the pro players who often hold up for the rally hinder. Sometimes it is hard for me to watch due mostly to my old school experiences which often included throwing a half-nelson on your opponent to get them out of the […]

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